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EtniXX participa en el XV Congreso de la AHC, “La Historia habitada. Sujetos, procesos y retos de la Historia Contemporánea del siglo XXI”

EtniXX participa en el XV Congreso de la AHC, “La Historia habitada. Sujetos, procesos y retos de la Historia Contemporánea del siglo XXI”

After more than a year of delays due to the pandemic, the Congress of the Contemporary History Association was finally (and happily) able to be held in Cordoba on 9, 10 and 11 September 2021. EtniXX team has enjoyed a very remarkable presence in this forum, which has brought together specialists from different geographical and historiographical backgrounds.

On one hand, our colleague Rocío Velasco de Castro coordinated, together with Francisco J. Leira-Castiñeira, a panel entitled “War and Peace. Decolonisations, revolutions, counter-revolutions, war and post-war in the troubled contemporary age”, in which the participants discussed violence in the contemporary age, advocating for an analysis that went beyond the Eurocentric view that has dominated this field. On the other hand, Begoña Barrera also participated in a panel entitled “Religion and gender in the contemporary age” with a contribution that sought to explore the articulation of these two categories in female fascism during the 1930s and 1940s. https://congresoahcordoba2020.es/talleres/

Special mention should be made of the election of our co-IP, María Sierra, as vice-president of the Contemporary History Association and editor of its journal Ayer, the leading reference in contemporary history studies for the specialized academic field. We all are very proud of this appointment, for it meant a deserved recognition of her tireless work as a researcher. At the same time, we are pleased for the association itself, which will surely benefit from her expertise.

XV Congreso de la AHC cartel

Proyecto "Discursos y Representaciones de la Etnicidad: Política, Identidad y Conflicto en el Siglo XX (PID2019-105741GB-I00)" financiado por:

micin aei

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Imagen de cabecera: Landscape with Gypsies and Wagon, David Cox.

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