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Marta Fernández

Marta Fernández Peña

Marta Fernández Peña has a PhD in History by the University of Seville (2018)She currently works as an Interim Substitute Professor in the Department of History, Geography and Anthropology at the University of Huelva. Her main line of research deals with the cultural history of politics, and especially parliamentary history, the processes of construction of citizenship and the relationship between electoral processes and political corruption. Her publications include the bookCiudadanos, electores, representantes. Discursos de inclusión y exclusión políticas en Perú y Ecuador (1860-1870) (Universitat de València, 2020), which includes the main results of her doctoral thesis, which received the Second Prize in the XI Miguel Artola Prize of the Contemporary History Association. In addition, she has received several research awards (Pi², Sapere Aude, Young Prize for Scientific Culture).

Proyecto "Discursos y Representaciones de la Etnicidad: Política, Identidad y Conflicto en el Siglo XX (PID2019-105741GB-I00)" financiado por:

micin aei

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Imagen de cabecera: Landscape with Gypsies and Wagon, David Cox.

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